Monday, February 29, 2016

Lesson 6.5 God Reminded His People of His Covenant

Lesson 6.5: 
God Reminded His People of His Covenant
Deuteronomy 5:1-6:25; 8:1-11:1,26-28

This week, our journey through the Bible using The Gospel Project® for Kids focused on Moses’ farewell reminder to the people of Israel about God’s covenant and His faithfulness to them. Moses called on the people to be holy and obey only God. If they did this, they would be blessed. If they did not, they would not be blessed.

Help your kids understand that proper obedience is born out of gratitude to God for what He has done, not as a way to earn God’s favor.

        Babies and Toddlers
        God is holy.
        God is holy; there is no one like God.
        God wants people to love and obey Him.
        God sent Jesus to earth because He loves us.
        Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law except Jesus.
        God wanted His people to remember His promise.
        Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law perfectly except Jesus.
        God reminded His people of His covenant with them.

Key Unit Passage

        “Joshua and Caleb” (Numbers 13:1-14:38)

Monday, February 22, 2016

Lesson 6.4 - Worship Only God

Lesson 6.4 - Worship Only God
Deuteronomy 1; 3:23-4:40

This week, we continued our journey through the Bible using The Gospel Project® for Kids and studied Moses’ reminder to God’s people to worship only the one true God. God alone is worthy of worship and He is jealous of this. 

Help your kids identify possible “idols” in their lives that draw their worship away from God and pray about ways to reject worshiping anything except God.

        Babies and Toddlers
        God is holy.
        God is holy; He always does what is right.
        There is no one like God.
        God brought His people out of Egypt and took care of them.
        People should only worship God.
        Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law except Jesus.
        The Lord alone is God.
        Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law perfectly except Jesus.
        The Lord alone is God; there is no other besides Him.


        “God Reminded His People of His Covenant” (Deuteronomy 5:1-6:25; 8:1-11:1,26-28)

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Lesson 6.3: God Gave Rules for Sacrifice

Lesson 6.3: God Gave Rules for Sacrifice
This week, we continued our journey through the Bible using The Gospel Project® for Kids and examined the rules that God gave His people for how to worship Him in the tabernacle. God required sacrifices from the people when they sinned. The book of Hebrews tells us that the sacrifices themselves did not save the people, but it was their faith in the Sacrifice of Jesus who was to come that saved them.

Help your kids realize that Jesus it the ultimate and perfect Sacrifice and salvation is found in Him alone.

        Babies and Toddlers
        God is holy.
        God is holy; He always does what is right.
        People make wrong choices. People do not obey God.
        God gave His people rules for worshiping Him.
        God sent Jesus because He loves us.
        Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law except Jesus.
        God provided a way to forgive His people.
        Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law perfectly except Jesus.
        Because God is holy, God requires a sacrifice for sin.



        “Worship Only God” (Deuteronomy 1; 3:23-4:40)

Monday, February 8, 2016

Lesson 6.2: The Tabernacle was Built

Lesson 6.2: The Tabernacle Was Built
Exodus 35:4 - 40:38

This week, we continued our journey through the Bible using The Gospel Project® for Kids and learned about Israel following God’s very specific instructions on how to build a tabernacle. The people gave joyfully and generously and God equipped them to construct the place where He would dwell with them. We no longer need a tabernacle today because Jesus came to “tabernacle,” or dwell, with God’s people.

Help your kids worship God and thank Him for His gift of Jesus and that through Him people can dwell with God forever.
*All materials are copied and reproduced with permission from Lifeway.

        Babies and Toddlers
        God is holy.
        God is holy; He always does what is right.
        God told His people how to build a special tent.
        God sent Jesus to be with us forever.
        Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law except Jesus.
        God told His people to build the tabernacle.
        Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law perfectly except Jesus.
        God told His people to build the tabernacle so He could dwell with them.


        “God Gave Rules for Sacrifice” (Leviticus 1-27)

Monday, February 1, 2016

Lesson 6.1 - The Ten Commandments: Love Others

Lesson 6.1 - The Ten Commandments Love Others
This week, our journey through the Bible using The Gospel Project® for Kids took us to the remaining six of the Ten Commandments. These commands show God’s people how they can love others. When someone truly loves God, they are compelled to love what He loves - including other people.

Help your kids understand that loving people is not an option but something God commands us to do and something we should want to do out of gratitude to God.

*All materials are copied and reproduced with permission from Lifeway.

        Babies and Toddlers
        God is holy.
        God is holy; He always does what is right.
        God wants us to love others.
        God showed His love for us by sending Jesus.
        Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law except Jesus.
        God gave rules about loving others.
        Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law perfectly except Jesus.
        God gave us rules to help us know how to love Him and others.


        “The Tabernacle Was Built” (Exodus 35:4-40:38)