Monday, February 8, 2016

Lesson 6.2: The Tabernacle was Built

Lesson 6.2: The Tabernacle Was Built
Exodus 35:4 - 40:38

This week, we continued our journey through the Bible using The Gospel Project® for Kids and learned about Israel following God’s very specific instructions on how to build a tabernacle. The people gave joyfully and generously and God equipped them to construct the place where He would dwell with them. We no longer need a tabernacle today because Jesus came to “tabernacle,” or dwell, with God’s people.

Help your kids worship God and thank Him for His gift of Jesus and that through Him people can dwell with God forever.
*All materials are copied and reproduced with permission from Lifeway.

        Babies and Toddlers
        God is holy.
        God is holy; He always does what is right.
        God told His people how to build a special tent.
        God sent Jesus to be with us forever.
        Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law except Jesus.
        God told His people to build the tabernacle.
        Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law perfectly except Jesus.
        God told His people to build the tabernacle so He could dwell with them.


        “God Gave Rules for Sacrifice” (Leviticus 1-27)

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