Monday, October 26, 2015

Unit 2:2 - God Tested Abraham

Unit 2: Lesson 2 - October 25
God is a Covenant-Making God

Big Idea: Abraham trusted God even when he didn't understand God's plan. 
This week in The Gospel Project® for Kids, our journey takes us to an event that occurred after Abraham and Sarah had their son of promise, Isaac. Abraham received another message from God. It was a test, actually. God instructed Abraham to take his son Isaac, the son of promise, and sacrifice him on a mountain God would tell him about.

Abraham had waited so many years for this child! But what did Abraham do? He woke up early the next morning and set out with Isaac to do what God commanded. By this point, Abraham had supreme faith that God was able to do anything. Hebrews 11:17-19 gives us a peek inside Abraham’s mind: “He considered God to be able even to raise someone from the dead.”

Abraham showed his love for God by being willing to sacrifice his son Isaac. God provided a ram for the burnt offering in place of Isaac, who was spared. This is how God showed His love for us: He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross so that we could have eternal life through Him.

*All materials shared are reprinted and used by permission through Lifeway.

Unit 2 Key Passage:

Unit 2 BIG Idea:  
Christ Connection:
Abraham showed his love for God by being willing to sacrifice his son Isaac.  This is how God showed His love for us: He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross so that we could have eternal life through Him. 
Family Discussion Starters:
  • Sometimes it is hard to obey.  Tell about a time when obeying was hard for you.
  • Whom did God provide as a substitute for us? (Jesus took the punishment we deserve for our sin when He died on the cross.)

Family Discussion Points:

Babies and Toddlers
  People should love God most of all.
 God always keeps His promises.
 God promised to send Jesus into Abraham’s family.
 What did God promise? God promised to bless His people
Abraham trusted God.
 What did God promise? God made a covenant to bless His people.
 Abraham trusted God even when he didn’t understand God’s plan.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Unit 2:1 - God's Covenant with Abraham

Unit 2: Lesson 1 - October 18
God is a Covenant-Making God

Big Idea: God Promised to Bless all the World through Abraham 

Thank you for continuing this journey of The Gospel Project® for Kids. Over the next few weeks, kids will learn that God is a covenant-making God. After the people spread out over all the earth when God mixed up their languages, He spoke to a man named Abram. God called Abram to leave behind his family and his lands to go to a place God would show him. God made a covenant with Abram, promising to bless all the world through one of his descendants. (Gen 12:1-3) By faith, Abram obeyed.

God was serious about the covenant; He always keeps His promises. God even changed Abram’s name to Abraham, which means “Father of a Multitude.” God promised to bless all the earth through Abraham. At just the right time, Jesus was born into Abraham’s family. (Gal. 4:4-5) Jesus fulfilled God’s promise to Abraham. (See Gal. 3:8.) Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Through Him, all the nations of the earth are blessed.*

*All materials shared are reprinted and used by permission through Lifeway.

Unit 2 Key Passage:
Unit 2 BIG Idea:
Family Discussion Starters:
  • What promises have you made? Did you keep them? Why or why not?
  • Abraham had faith in God's promise. What is faith? (See Heb 11:1.)
  • How has Jesus blessed your family?

Family Discussion Points:

Babies and Toddlers
God made a promise to Abraham.
 God always keeps His promises.
 God promised to send Jesus into Abraham’s family.
 What did God promise? God promised to bless His people
 God promised to bless Abraham.
 What did God promise? God made a covenant to bless His people.
 God promised to bless all the world through Abraham.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Gospel Project for Kids: Unit 2 Overview

We are almost done with Unit 1 and the kids are loving the new curriculum! We are using the Gospel Project for Kids in our classes from age 2 years- 5th grade.
All materials shared in this post are reprinted and used by permission. Thank you, Lifeway!

Here's an overview of what Unit 2 will cover.

Unit 2 Big Ideas:
Parents, you can use the link above to download these images to use at home. After the lesson on Sunday, use the pictures to ask your child about what they learned in class.

October 18: God's Covenant with Abraham

October 25: God Tested Abraham

November 1: The Promise Reaffirmed

The link above is to 4 different versions of this passage. The NIV translation is what is pictured below.  

This is the scripture that will be referenced throughout this unit. It is modified for the younger kids. Make sure to look through the handouts your child receives each week to see how this verse is modified.

Unit 2 Big Picture Question:

The lessons in this unit are based with this question in mind. When doing your home devotionals, make sure you are working with your child on understanding this big question. 


Parents, we would LOVE to hear about how your family devotions are going! 
  • Is the material being shared helpful? 
  • Are students excited to bring home materials to share? 
  • Is your child able to talk about the story that was taught?
  • Are your children making connections from the Bible story to their lives? We really want our children to see that the Bible and its teaching are still relevant today. 

As a parent of twin first graders, I can say that they are excited to share the Big Idea each week. They are so proud of themselves when they can recite the verse and read the material sent home. I'm glad that they're able to use their handouts as read-aloud material. Reading practice!!

Please leave a comment-or two- in the comment section at the end of this post. We want to hear from you!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Unit 1:Lesson 6 - The Tower of Babel

Unit 1: Lesson 6 - October 11
Big Idea:  God created people to give glory to Him alone.

This week's Bible story is about the tower of Babel.  Following the flood, God wanted to have a fresh  start. God commanded Noah in Genesis 9:1 to " Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth."  In Genesis 11:2, Scripture indicates that instead of filling the earth as God commanded, the people built a city and a large tower into the heavens.  The people didn't want to be scattered.  They didn't believe God would give them what was good if they obeyed Him.  They sought to obtain for themselves what they believed was good. 

The people tried to build a monument with its top in the heavens, but they succeeded only in separating themselves from God and from each other.  God confused their language and scattered them over the earth.  They were unable to finish building the city, so the city was called Babel - which sounds like the Hebrew word for "confused" - because there the Lord confused the people's language.  Teach your kids about God's better plan: His plan not for people to reach up to Him, but His plan to reach down to people by sending His Son, Jesus, to live the perfect life we couldn't and die the death we don't want to die. That is the gospel.*

Family Discussion Starters
  • Who mattered more to people - themselves or God?
  • How have you been tempted to use your talents to make people think you are great?
  • How can you use your talents to show how great God is?
  • How can you give glory to God this week?
Family Discussion Points
Babies and Toddlers
  • God made people to love Him.
  • God mixed up the people's words so they would move all over the world.
  • One day, Jesus will bring people together again.
  • Why did God create the world?  God created the world for His glory.
  • What is sin?  Sin is breaking God's law.
  • God created people to give Him the glory.
  • Why did God create the world?  God created the world and everything in it for His glory.
  • God created people in His own image; God created the male and female.
  • What is sin?  Sin is breaking God's law, and sin separates people from God.
  • God is holy, and He punishes sin.
  • God created people to give Him the glory alone.

Unit 1: Key Passage

*All materials shared are reprinted and used by permission through Lifeway.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Unit 1: Lesson 5 - Noah and the Ark

Unit 1: Lesson 5 - October 4
BIG IDEA: God is holy, and He punishes sin.

This week's Bible story is about Noah and the ark.  By the time Noah lived - 10 generations after Adam - people had stopped following God.  In fact, Scripture describes the terrible situation: "Man's wickedness was widespread on the earth...every scheme his mind thought of was nothing but evil all the time" (Gen 6:5).  God was right to punish this sin.  He decided to send a flood to cover the earth and destroy everything.  God graciously chose to save one man and his family, so he warned Noah about the flood and told him to build an ark. 

When the ark was complete, God's judgment did come.  The flood waters covered the earth.  Every living thing was destroyed, but Noah and his family were safe inside the ark.  God rescued Noah's family  - the family His own Son would be born into.  Jesus would warn of God's coming judgment too, but instead of condemning the world, Jesus would give up His life to rescue sinners. *

Family Discussion Starters
  • Why did God send a flood? (to punish the world for sin)
  • What punishment do we deserve for our sin? (See Romans 6:23)
  • How does God rescue us from our sin?
Family Discussion Points
Babies and Toddlers
  • God is good. God is holy.
  • God saved Noah from the flood.
  • God sent Jesus because He loves us.
  • Why did God create the world?  God created the world for His glory.
  • What is sin?  Sin is breaking God's law.
  • God is holy.
  • Why did God create the world?  God created the world and everything in it for His glory.
  • God created people in His own image; God created the male and female.
  • What is sin?  Sin is breaking God's law, and sin separates people from God.
  • God is holy, and He punishes sin.

Unit 1: Key Passage

*All materials shared are reprinted and used by permission through Lifeway.