Monday, April 18, 2016

Lesson 7.5: Joshua's Final Encouragement

Lesson 7.5
Joshua's Final Encouragement
Joshua 23:1-24:28
This week we will listen in as Joshua shares his final words of encouragement to Israel. Joshua is near the end of his life, and like Moses, he addresses the people to point them to God. They had a choice to make: choose to follow God or choose to follow the false gods. They couldn’t do both.

As Joshua prepared for his own death, he left a legacy of obedience to God. After Jesus’ death and resurrection, He appeared to the disciples and left them with a legacy: to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Help your children see that they have the same choice to make today. They may not be tempted to worship little statues, but they can worship plenty of other things besides God.  
*All materials are used and reprinted with permission from Lifeway.


     Babies and Toddlers
     Joshua told the people to love God and obey Him.
                                        ○    The people promised to love and worship God.
                                        ○    We can trust God. God always keeps His promises.
                                        ○    God sent Jesus because He loves us.
     Whom can we trust? We can trust God.
○ Joshua told the people to worship God. ● Kids
Whom can we trust? We can trust God to   take care of us. 
○ Joshua encouraged the people to worship God alone. 



   "The First Judges" Judges 3:7-31

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