Monday, January 4, 2016

Lesson 4.2- The Plagues, the Passover, and the Crossing of the Red Sea

Lesson 4.2 - The Plagues, the Passover, and the Crossing of the Red Sea
January 3rd
This week, we returned to our journey through the Bible using The Gospel Project® for Kids and learned about God leading the Israelites out of Egypt. God used miraculous plagues to show Pharaoh and the Egyptian people that He alone is God and graciously spared the Israelites from the final plague when they trusted in Him and put the blood of a lamb around their doors. God spared Israel by the blood of a lamb, but Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

Help your kids understand that God’s salvation of His people is always by grace through faith and remind them of their need for Jesus to forgive them of their sin.
*All materials are copied and reproduced with permission from Lifeway. 

Key Passage: 

Big Idea:

        Babies and Toddlers
        God takes care of us.
        God sent Moses to bring His people out of Egypt.
        God takes care of His people.
        No one is more powerful than God.
        What is God’s plan? God’s plan is to rescue His people.
        God showed Egypt that only He is God.
        What is God’s plan? God’s plan is to rescue His people from captivity.
        God proved to the Egyptians that He is the one true God.

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