Monday, September 28, 2015

Unit 1: Lesson 4 - Cain and Abel

Unit 1: Lesson 4 - September 27
BIG IDEA: Cain's sin separated him from God and people.
This week's Bible story shows how deeply sin infected Adam and Eve's children.  Imagine Adam and Eve's joy as their family grew.  With each birth, maybe Eve hoped that this son would be the one to  end the curse of sin, to crush the head of the snake (Gen 3:15).  But as her sons Cain and Abel grew up, she and Adam probably witnessed with grief how sin affects their own children.  Cain was not the Promised One and neither was Abel.  Out of jealousy and anger, Cain killed Abel.  God punished Cain by sending him away to wander the earth.

Some time later, Eve gave birth to another son.  She named this baby Seth.  Seth was not the Promised One either, but Jesus would come from Seth's descendants.  (See Luke 3:23-38).  Every baby was born a sinner - like his parents and like Adam and Eve.  At just the right time, God would send His Son to be born to save sinner.  (Heb 11:13; Gal 4:4) God always keeps His promises.*

Family Discussion Starters
  • What offering did Cain and Abel bring?  (See Genesis 4:3-4)
  • Cain sinned.  What is the required punishment for sin? (See Romans 3:23; 6:23)
  • How can your family bring an offering to God this week?
Family Discussion Points
Babies and Toddlers
  • God made everything.  God made families.
  • Adam and Eve's family did not obey God.
  • God sent Jesus because He loves us.
  • Why did God create the world?  God created the world for His glory.
  • What is sin?  Sin is breaking God's law.
  • God punished Cain for his sin.
  • Why did God create the world?  God created the world and everything in it for His glory.
  • God created people in His own image; God created the male and female.
  • What is sin?  Sin is breaking God's law, and sin separates people from God.
  • Cain's sin separated him from God and people.

Unit 1: Key Passage

*All materials shared are reprinted and used by permission through Lifeway.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Kids Devos

Kid Centered Devotionals

Looking for fun devotionals for your kids? Check out these monthly magazines!  Each edition includes a daily devotional focused on scripture. There are also puzzles, games, and activities centered on the thought for the day that is designed for each age group.  Many of the devos correspond with thoughts studied in our classes on Sunday morning.  The October editions follow the theme "Help and Serve Others."  Check out this resource at Devos.

 "More Devos"  October Edition for ages 4-7


"Adventure Devotions" October Edition for ages 7-10


"Bible Express Devotions" October Edition for Girls Ages 10 and Up


"Bible Express Devotions" October Edition for Boys Ages 10 and Up


Monday, September 21, 2015

1st Grade Bible Presentations

First Grade Bible Presentations

This Sunday we presented each first grader with a Bible.  The children were so excited to stand up on stage in the worship center and receive their very own Bible.  We lifted these children, their families, and teachers up in prayer.  Continue to pray that God will work in the lives of these children in a powerful way.  He made EACH of these precious children in His image and has a special plan for each one.  Continue to pray for their families, that they will guide and instruct them to love and serve the Lord. 

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."  Proverbs 22:6
"As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Unit 1: Lesson 3 - Sin Separates People from God

Unit 1: Lesson 3 - September 20
BIG IDEA: Sin is breaking God's law,
and sin separates people from God.
Adam and Eve's sin separated them from God.
Thank you for continuing this journey of The Gospel Project for Kids. This week's Bible story takes us back to the garden of Eden.  Before the fall, Adam and Eve enjoyed a loving, two-way relationship with God.  The garden was a true paradise.  God filled the garden with good gifts so that they might enjoy them and give thanks to God.  The Lord gave them only one restriction: "You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil," and the punishment was severe: "You will certainly die" (Gen. 2:17).

Adam and Eve believed the serpent's lie, and they sinned.  Because of their sin, God cast them out of the garden.  Though they did not die right away, sin's effect was immediate and thorough.  Their lives and their children's lives - and the lives of all mankind - would be forever affected by their choice.  As your kids become increasingly aware of the bad news - that we are all sinners from birth- rejoice with them over the good news: "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" (I Tim. 1:15).*

Family Discussion Starters
  • What were the consequences of Adam and Eve's sin? (See Gen. 3: 16-19)
  • What are some ways that you have sinned?
  • How does Jesus help us with our sin problem? (Jesus paid for sin on the cross so everyone who trusts Him is forgiven.  He also frees us form sin.  The Holy Spirit helps us resist temptation.)
  • PRAY - ask God to help you turn from your sin and thank Him for sending Jesus.
Family Discussion Points
Babies and Toddlers
  • God made everything.  God made people to make choices.
  • Adam and Eve did not obey God's one rule.
  • God loves us even when we make wrong choices.
  • God sent Jesus because He loves us.
  • Why did God create the world?  God created the world for His glory.
  • What is sin?  Sin is breaking God's law.
  • Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God.
  • Why did God create the world?  God created the world and everything in it for His glory.
  • God created people in His own image; God created the male and female.
  • What is sin?  Sin is breaking God's law, and sin separates people from God.
  • Adam and Eve's sin separated them from God.

Unit 1: Key Passage

*All materials shared are reprinted and used by permission through Lifeway.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Unit 1: Lesson 2 - God Created People is His Image

Unit 1: Lesson 2 - September 13

BIG IDEA: God created people in His own image;
God created them male and female.

This week in The Gospel Project for Kids, your kids learned that God created people in a unique way. Human beings were set apart as different from the rest of God's creation.  God did not breathe into the animals.  He skillfully formed man out of dust as a potter forms a pot out of clay.  (See Isa.  64:8).  God breathed into the man's nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.  (Gen 2:7)  Then God made woman from the man's rib.  She was a suitable helper for him.  Both man and woman were created in God's image.  The first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve, lived in the garden and enjoyed God's friendship.

Help your children understand that being made in God's image means we are made like him, or patterned after Him. God does not have a physical body; He is Spirit, and He has given each of us a spirit.  God gives people the ability to think and to feel emotions and to make choices.  He gives us the ability to understand right and wrong.  God created people in His own image (Gen 1:26) and for His glory (Isa. 43:7).*

Family Discussion Starters
  • How did God create Adam and Eve? (Genesis 1: 26-2:25)
  • What does it mean to be created in God's image? (We have qualities similar to God like being wise, loving, and creative; but we are not God.  He is all-knowing, ever compassionate, and the Creator.)
  • How can you and your family recognize God's image in each other this week?
Family Discussion Points
Babies and Toddlers
  • God made people, and God loves people.
  • God made people in His likeness.
  • God is in charge of everything He made.
  • Why did God create the world?  God created the world for His glory.
  • God created people in His own image.
  • Why did God create the world?  God created the world and everything in it for His glory.
  • God created people in His own image; God created the male and female.

Unit 1: Key Passage

*All materials shared are reprinted and used by permission through Lifeway.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Gospel Project for Kids: Unit 1

We started our new curriculum today and it was a success!
Remember, we are using The Gospel Project for Kids.

Students ages 2 years old- 5th grade will be learning the same material, but in an age appropriate way.

Lifeway was gracious enough to grant permission for us to share materials with our families so we can facilitate learning at home as well. Thank you, Lifeway!!  All materials shared are reprinted and
used by permission.

Unit 1 has 6 lessons, staring with Creation.
Unit 1 Big Ideas
Parents, you can use the link above to download these images to use at home. After the lesson on Sunday, use the pictures to ask your child about what they learned in class.

September 6: God created everything for His glory

 September 13: God created people in His own image; God created them male and female.

September 20: Adam and Eve's sin separated them from God.
** This is also Bible Presentation Sunday for our 1st grade students!**

September 27: Cain's sin separated him from God and people.

October 4: God is holy, and He punishes sin.

October 11: God created people to give glory to Him alone.

Unit 1 Key Passages
The link above is to 4 different versions of this passage. The NIV translation is what is pictured below.
This is the scripture that will be referenced throughout this unit. It is modified for the younger kids. Make sure to look through the handouts your child receives each week to see how this verse is modified.

Unit 1 Big Picture Questions:

 The lessons in this unit are based with these questions in mind. When doing your home devotionals, make sure you are working with your child on understanding these big questions. 

We are looking forward to digging deeper into the Word with these lessons! Parents, make sure you are watching out for handouts coming home to help you with your home devotionals. 

Again, thank you to Lifeway for allowing us to share these materials!