Sunday, September 6, 2015

Gospel Project for Kids: Unit 1

We started our new curriculum today and it was a success!
Remember, we are using The Gospel Project for Kids.

Students ages 2 years old- 5th grade will be learning the same material, but in an age appropriate way.

Lifeway was gracious enough to grant permission for us to share materials with our families so we can facilitate learning at home as well. Thank you, Lifeway!!  All materials shared are reprinted and
used by permission.

Unit 1 has 6 lessons, staring with Creation.
Unit 1 Big Ideas
Parents, you can use the link above to download these images to use at home. After the lesson on Sunday, use the pictures to ask your child about what they learned in class.

September 6: God created everything for His glory

 September 13: God created people in His own image; God created them male and female.

September 20: Adam and Eve's sin separated them from God.
** This is also Bible Presentation Sunday for our 1st grade students!**

September 27: Cain's sin separated him from God and people.

October 4: God is holy, and He punishes sin.

October 11: God created people to give glory to Him alone.

Unit 1 Key Passages
The link above is to 4 different versions of this passage. The NIV translation is what is pictured below.
This is the scripture that will be referenced throughout this unit. It is modified for the younger kids. Make sure to look through the handouts your child receives each week to see how this verse is modified.

Unit 1 Big Picture Questions:

 The lessons in this unit are based with these questions in mind. When doing your home devotionals, make sure you are working with your child on understanding these big questions. 

We are looking forward to digging deeper into the Word with these lessons! Parents, make sure you are watching out for handouts coming home to help you with your home devotionals. 

Again, thank you to Lifeway for allowing us to share these materials!

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