Sunday, August 30, 2015

Newborn Celebration 2015

Today, we at East Brainerd CoC took time to welcome the newest additions to our "Family."

We asked that the babies, along with their parents and siblings (since the babies can't walk), come to the front to be introduced and prayed for. What a blessing to have such cute new members!

Welcome to the East Brainerd Church of Christ family!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Upcoming Events August- September 2015

The school year has started back and we want to give you something to look forward to- besides all that homework.

Below you'll find an outline of upcoming events for the next month. At the bottom of this post, you'll find links to download a PDF of a calendar for the rest of this year.

August 30- Newborn Celebration

Proverbs 22:6King James Version (KJV) Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

There's nothing stronger than the love a family has for its newest member; in this case, a new baby! Each year, we at EBCoC take time to introduce the tiny new additions to our Family of Believers. The celebration combines a prayer and a promise- a prayer for the baby and his/her family, and a promise that we, as a congregation, will help support the child in his/ her walk with Christ.

This is also our Family Day. Lunch will be served in the Family Life Center (FLC). There won't be any evening services that day.

September 2- Promotion Day

Children in grades K-5 will start their new Wednesday night and Sunday morning classes for the new school year. Students in grades 6-12 are part of the Youth Group.

September 6- The Gospel Project Begins

In case you missed the previous post, you can watch the video introducing The Gospel Project HERE. This curriculum will be used in all of our kids' classes, starting with age 2 and going through 5th grade. All the lessons cover the same material in each class, but at an age appropriate level. We are very excited to start this new adventure!

September 20- 1st Grade Bible Presentation 

There's nothing better than seeing a child's face light up when they receive a gift. And what better gift for a child than God's Word written in language they can understand? All students attending 1st grade classes at EBCoC will be presented a Bible just for them. 

We at East Brainerd Church of Christ hope to see you soon! 
If you'd like to download a copy of the calendar for the rest of this year, click on the link below!

Sunday, August 23, 2015


 But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Luke 18:16 (NIV)

Welcome to the East Brainerd Church of Christ Kids Blog!

This blog is dedicated to helping the families of EBCoC.  We are striving to build a connected community of faith for children and their families and to provide resources for families to aid in spiritual growth.  You will find information on events going on here at EBCoC, resources to connect to the Biblical study in our kids classes, and resources for families to use in their devotional time at home. 

Our MISSION is to minister to the heart of each child, in support of the home, and to instill God's word into the heart and mind of each child. 

Starting September 2015, we will be using curriculum by The Gospel Project. This curriculum follows the Bible in chronological order and its lessons are created to be age appropriate for children 2 years old through the 5th grade.

Check out this VIDEO!

If you have a child in our Children's Ministry, use this blog to stay updated as to what it going on in your child's Sunday School class! Our plan is to provide handouts, songs and videos, and updates to our families; so make sure to be checking the blog weekly!

Click on the links above to go directly to the posts you need:
Toddler- age 2
Preschool- ages 3-4
Younger Kids- Grades K-2
Older Kids- Grades 3-5

Wondering who your authors will be? Let me introduce the crew!

Jennifer Brewer: Children's Assistant Minister at EBCoC

Steve Gregg: Children's Minister at EBCoC

Jocelyn Delk- Blog Tech

You can also stay updated by following us on Facebook and Twitter! Or contact us at or!